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Second coat of varnish is now on.
I put a third coat of varnish on the interior this morning, and the colour tint in the varnish is really doing what I wanted it to.
There are a few patches here and there where I haven't covered it as evenly as it should have been covered, it's quite hard to see where you have been putting varnish over un-sanded varnish, but nothing too bad. I will give it a sand tomorrow if it is hard enough, clean it up then a fourth coat. I then intend to do a fifth coat over that, sand again and then a final sixth coat, which should be enough I think – though it is tempting to go for eight!
Nice work! It's amazing how even a single coat of varnish makes the boat come alive. All that sanding pays off in the end!
Thank you Ian, it really does. I’m glad I put the extra effort into all the sanding during the epoxy stages, it’s made such a difference now I’ve got to the varnish.
On a different note, what would you recommend I seal the hatches with when I install them, I’ve got the black hatches. I am thinking I will go with Sikaflex -291i which comes in black.
Last edited by Rob (15 Aug 2024 6:25 pm)
I sanded the varnish with 400 grit this morning. I was going to wet sand, but despite the sandpaper I have saying it is suitable for wet or dry sanding, it didn't hold up to wet sanding at all, and all the grit washed off. So I dry sanded, something I've got so used to doing now I may actually miss it when the boat is finished, then hoovered, washed it with damp paper towels, and when dry wiped it down again with some paper towels dampened with the relevant thinners. Once that final wash was dry I put the latest layer of varnish on. I will put another coat on tomorrow, and take a view whether to sand before the sixth and probably final coat. The varnish manufacturer says sand every 2 to 3 coats, so I may be able to get to six without sanding again.
Coat number four...don't say it looks the same as coat number 3!
Varnish coat number five!
Sixth and final coat of varnish on the interior!
On a different note, what would you recommend I seal the hatches with when I install them, I’ve got the black hatches. I am thinking I will go with Sikaflex -291i which comes in black.
I wouldn't use the 291i for this job. It's a very strong adhesive, which will make it difficult to remove the hatch rim in future if you need to. When I replaced the cracked hatch rims on my kayak, I had to saw through the rims to 'complete' the cracks so that I could prise each piece off.
All you need is an exterior-grade weather sealant from your local hardware store. Preferably polyurethane rather than silicone, because the silicone ones can be hard to clean up and may prevent your varnish drying if you don't manage to remove all the sealant first. Black or clear will work fine.
Thank you Ian, that is very good advice! I will just use a standard exterior one as you suggest.
Over the last few weeks, since my last post, I have been varnishing the rudder and daggerboard while the varnish on the boat hardened before flipping it for painting. I have now managed to get three undercoats on and the first white gloss coat. I am painting the strip between the rails in a different colour, which will get done when the white is completed.
Varnish looking pretty good I think.
The first undercoat.
First gloss coat.