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#1 22 Jun 2021 10:01 am

Registered: 4 Apr 2021
Posts: 3

Structural fillets

Hi all,

I am making a kit PassageMaker and wondering about the structural fillets on the base.
Are these meant to be fat and chunky like the ones supporting the upright structure, or less so?
Its not really clear in the manual. It seems that if I make it chunky it will cause a ridge and this is not indicated .... according to the description it seems to only need sufficient to take up the ridge/edge between the base panel and the first panel .... but I'm not 100% ... attached some photos20210622_102225.jpg20210622_102208.jpg of where I am at - would appreciate any advice!

many thanks,



#2 23 Jun 2021 10:13 am

Registered: 24 Nov 2014
Posts: 101

Re: Structural fillets

Welcome to the forum, Allen.

The bottom fillets should create a smooth join between the bottom panel and the first side panel, without a bump or a dip.  When you come to glass the inside of those panels, any bump will lift the glass and create a large air bubble that will have to be cut out and filled, so it's worth making sure those fillets are smooth.

In your photos, it's hard to tell but I think the fillets may be a little small.  The fillets shouldn't dip below the level of the bottom panel (see diagram below).



#3 23 Jun 2021 10:22 am

Registered: 4 Apr 2021
Posts: 3

Re: Structural fillets

Thanks Ian - so basically you are saying that the objective of the fillets in this case is to act almost as a nicely curved "bridge" between the two panels?



#4 23 Jun 2021 10:29 am

Registered: 24 Nov 2014
Posts: 101

Re: Structural fillets

Yes, exactly.


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