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They get tougher as you approach the last strip-which I found was a pretty complex fragment. No way round it.
It might be that the outermost strips are not exactly placed symmetrically so that the final sections are slightly offset ie the midline may be perfect. it joins that long list of little glitches that only the builder every notices!
Slow progress. Underside of deck sanded down. Filled a few areas with thickened epoxy and nearly ready for fibreglass.
Underside glassed. I can recommend the use of a heat gun when applying the epoxy (not held too close). It soaks through the glass into the wood much more easily and no problems with air bubbles. Used a roller for the second coat. Next job the hatch - bit worried about making a good job of cutting the hatch...don't trust my skills with a jig saw.
Looking very good. Nice to have a bit of a practice on the underside before the top surface. I like the heat gun idea. For me I think the key was everything really warm, including the wood for several hours or better still over-night before starting; I did my epoxy late in the day if it was nice and hot weather or erected a warmed 'tent' overnight when the weather was not helpful. I aimed for about 25degC and then let things can cool after applying.
I sweated over cutting the hatch but with a nice fine blade it cuts so smoothly that actually I found it easy to direct. I did put masking tape either side of the marked line so the surface was nice and smooth for the footplate to glide over as the glass with one layer of epoxy was a bit bumpy.
Its been a stressful week! For some reason I failed to fibreglass the underside of the canopy apron to the deck (see pics above). Also been very challenging getting the deck to fit the hull with a quarter inch overlap around the perimeter. Feels like the curvature of the deck (particularly the stern end) has simply changed since it has been glassed. Had to aggressively bend and clamp the deck to fit which resulted in several cracks. On a positive note, there was more space to do the filleting! Very messy job unravelling the tape along the joints - the instruction manual says it is easier than it looks - I don't think so! Cut the hatch (tricky) and having problems getting it to fit well now the deck is fixed to the hull. Anyway, quite a few problems but all repairable I think - going fillet the deck canopy and use fibreglass tape on the underside. Will download some pics when I have a moment.
Oh! Sounds all fixable.
My instructions did not suggest cutting the hatch until after the deck had been bonded to the hull, in fact it was done after both sides had been glassed.
Hope you are making progress again. Most of these snags disappear in the final result-and only you will know!
Thanks for thoughts. Problem is you cant fix the rear deck section to the hull without first cutting the hatch as there is a bulkhead behind the canopy preventing access! Next frustration is the epoxy pump has failed....tried everything but just wont work! Fyne on holiday I think so no spares. Also running out of epoxy and earliest delivery is 18th August. Ug!
Sanded the deck with 80 grade and its looking OK I think. A few holes to fill in the meantime.
I had to cut out a small section between the apron and rear hatch to get the deck far enough down to fit tightly against the bulkhead. The hatch is going to need some filing down to now fit the hole. All fun and games!
Re Epoxy pump. Mine failed on day two and I decided to measure everything by weight. The two components have the same density so I just weighed amounts on some electronic kitchen scales. Worked a treat-although the I did have to buy my wife some new scales!
Yes, doing the same now with also a few comments from the boss!
Decided to install the hatch coming before glassing the deck as one side of the hatch needs bending to fit the curvature of the deck. Not sure how to do this yet...going to try steaming over the kettle! With hindsight, fitting the canopy apron after glassing the underside of the deck has worked well. I think it enables you to get a tighter fit with the cedar strips. I filleted the underside and used fibreglass tape. Seems strong enough. Preparing now for final sanding and glassing.
Not enjoying the sanding. Found it impossible to get a neat overlap of glass on the hull. Glass does not seem to bend well and bubbles up. More sanding and repair required.
I reckon a third of my build time was sanding! Nice if you can do it outside in the sunshine, even with a mask on the dust is a bit nasty inside. If you are struggling to feather in edges of glass etc it may be you need another epoxy fill coat?
Just bought a decent mask with filters so hopefully sanding will improve. Yes, another epoxy coat required and working on the hatch next.
Final epoxy coat and more fun
Yeah, but when you get that nice hazy grey finish you can wipe it all down with a clean damp cloth and you will see the beauty of the wood that will emerge when the varnish goes on, I am assuming you did this for the last pic and it looks fantastic.
At least the sun is shining and you can sand outside.
Keep going, nearly there!
Last edited by Curlew (14 Sep 2020 2:33 pm)