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The purchase of new faster machinery and the hiring of a skilled worker means that we have been able to substantially reduce the price of our cedar strips. These cedar strips are milled with a ‘bead and cove’ joint so that one slides into the next for a perfect fit. This makes the process of building a cedar-strip boat much less fiddly and more enjoyable.
The prices are as follows:
10 metre Western Red £9.91
10 metre Alaskan Yellow £19.19
This is the link to the website page: Machined Cedar Strip
thats a substantial reduction and timely for me, thanks.
It must have been an expensive machne
Apologies for late response to this welcome news.
I have just finished building 2 Nymph stripper canoes using material bought from Fyne Boats early in 2013.
I had a lot of problems with beads not matching coves and variation on cove position so that strips were not flush with each other.
Obviously strips were made on different machines and/or with different settings.
I persevered but I could imagine it putting a first timer off this construction method.
I now look forward to my next strip plank craft but meantime I have a Skerry dinghy to buidl!
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