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When glueing bottom or side panels together at the start of a new build, what's the best thing to use to stop the parts sticking to the table or each other (side panels)?
I have seen plastic, if so what kind? I have also seen wax paper, and different kinds of tape?
Many thanks..
Building a Skerry
bin liners work well for this
Canoe & Kayak Owner
Thanks Richard
Building a Skerry
Epoxy sticks to almost everything except itself and plastic. Waxed paper does work but it is fiddly and sometimes it does stick. The best thing to use under the joint is a polythene bag or dustbin liner. Clear plastic tape is a very good way of protecting other bits of wood or to prevent the squeeze out marking the edge of the joint.
A good way to protect tools and clamps is to cover them in plastic tape - brown parcel tape is fine for this but if used on wood it stains. Brown tape is also good for covering bits of plywood that are used to protect your boat under clamps.
This is a good link for more information Working with epoxy
Thanks Paul.
Building a Skerry
How is the building going? It would be great to see some pictures.
Sorry DD, yes I've just started, glued the two bottom sections together. Just glueing the rails together at the moment so they are ready later on, after that I will join all the side panels.
I will post some pics in the right place a little later on.
Building a Skerry
I have been using Greaseproof paper (baking parchment) from Sainsburys (the well known chandler...!) Seems to work well in my limited experience.
I was a bit nervous about this, as all the advice seemed to be to use plastic or 'wax paper'. I was simply not sure that Greaseproof paper was the same thing, but there are several craft forums where people talk about using it with epoxy, so I took the plunge. I used plastic to glue my keel planks together, but I found this more slithery to handle, the greaseproof paper was just the job.
Built a Skerry!
I haven't had to glue plywood panels but for my scarf joints on cedar strips, I used waxed paper. It did stick occasionally but it was only superficial and the paper would come off in the course of tidying up the joints of any excess glue. It did it's job in avoiding the strips gluing to the workbench. I got mine online in a big roll from a catering supplier - it was advertised for use with sugar craft. I had intended to use it for masking as well but it is just too expensive for that and trying to recycle for repeat use was too time consuming, I instead use masking tape and newspaper. I did pick up some baking parchment from IKEA which comes on a roll of pre-cut sheets that seems to do a similar job. Definitely not cling film - that has a tendency to stick and is too thin to allow a clean peel off.
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